Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration is a chronic disease that affects more than 10 million people in the US and is a leading cause of vision loss in Americans over the age of 60.
We have attached a PDF file of this article so that you may download and print this for family or friends that need more information.
1. What is Macular Degeneration? It is a deterioration of the central vision area (loss of pigment) in the area of the retina known as the macula.
2. What is the Macula? This is the area of the retina where we have photo-receptors that give us clear, sharp vision.
3. What causes Macular Degeneration? Oxidation created by a lack of chemicals that are necessary for good macular health.
4. Who is at risk?
a. Those with family history
a. Those with family history
b. Smokers
c. People that do not wear good quality UV protection sun-wear
d. Frequent sun exposure
5. What are the risk factors?
a. Over 50 years of age
b. Females at higher risk
c. High body mass index (over weight)
d. Light skin light eyes
e. Poor health--i.e. heart issues, Diabetes
f. Poor nutrition
6. Are there tests to detect Macular Degeneration earlier now?
a. Optical Coherence Tomography using high speed ultrasound waves
b. Digital Retinal Photography
c. Dilated examination of the eye using special lenses to see the macula
d. DNA testing (swab check)
e. Macular pigment testing
7. What are the two types of Macular Degeneration?
a. Dry--this can be treated by nutritional/lifestyle changes
b. Wet--this is the "bad boy" requiring either multiple injections in the affected eye or laser.
8. What is the best nutritional treatment for Dry Macular Degeneration?
a. Dark leafy, green vegetables
b. Baked/grilled fish (salmon and tuna best)
c. Fresh berries such as blueberries or strawberries
d. Eggs (not fried) at least once a day 5 times weekly or two eggs 3 times weekly
e. Eye vitamins containing 10 mg Lutein, 2 mg Zeaxanthin, and 2000 mg of Omega 3
Triglyceride formula (other types of fish oil are ineffective).
9. What are some preventative measures?
a. Don't smoke!
b. Wear quality prescription type sunglasses--not discount or department store fashion ones
c. Yearly dilated examinations with special testing when necessary.
d. Eat right!
e. Monitor your health--have your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar evaluated often.
Always feel free to contact our clinic with any additional questions! |